Birthday Blues

Birthday Blues is J.D.’s newest autobiographical zine, released November 2022. Atop the same hill four years on from the last time he was worrying about an upcoming election, J.D. finds time has a way of bending back on itself. Birthday Blues is a book about trauma, the stories we tell ourselves, and the way that art can help us connect with the world around us. It is both of-a-piece with J.D.’s deeply humanistic diary comics, and a different beast all together.

Six years since his last personal zine, and two years in the making, Birthday Blues is J.D.’s boldest artistic statement yet. This gallery highlights the cover and some unconnected excerpts from the zine. The complete e-zine of Birthday Blues is available now at Printed zines are available for purchase below.

Printed copies of Birthday Blues are available in limited quantities for $10 + shipping/handling

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Diary Comics

